RHMS Staff Members are signing up for our annual "Fabulous Fit February", which promotes healthy eating, exercise, and a balanced lifestyle.
about 7 years ago, Richmond Hill Middle School
Instructions for creating a MYPaymentsPlus account can be found in our website documents at this link: https://goo.gl/mQu5N5
about 7 years ago, Richmond Hill Middle School
8th graders built and launched rockets to demonstrate Newton's three laws. #WeAreRHMS
about 7 years ago, Richmond Hill Middle School
Congratulations to RHMS student Ami Li for winning the BCS District Spelling Bee today. #WeAreRHMS
about 7 years ago, Richmond Hill Middle School
Spelling Bee 2018
Interested in Golf? Please check the golf page for updates on tryout dates and other important info! http://www.bryancountyschools.org/o/rhms/page/golf--14
about 7 years ago, Richmond Hill Middle School
Congrats to our Boys Basketball team. They will play in the region championship game on Saturday. #WeAreRHMS
about 7 years ago, Richmond Hill Middle School
Mrs. Rushing’s GA Studies’ students enjoyed learning about our local government. Students spent time with officials from both the City of Richmond Hill and Bryan County. #WeAreRHMS
about 7 years ago, Richmond Hill Middle School
Ms. Space's Georgia History students are using Brainpop's Challenges, Games and Quizzes to review, sequentially order Civil War events, and make connections between causes and results. #WeAreRHMS
about 7 years ago, Richmond Hill Middle School
Good luck to our students at the Future City competition in Atlanta! We have five teams competing!! WeAreRHMS.
about 7 years ago, Richmond Hill Middle School
Mrs. Hughes' STEP UP Leadership Group has been learning to Hold on to Their Dreams (Captain America's motivating presentation). Mentor and Master Bob Schneider, of Black Tiger Taekwon-Do in Richmond Hill, taught the life skill of goal setting and attainment through hard work. Master Bob led the boys through an empowering lesson! #WeAreRHMS
about 7 years ago, Richmond Hill Middle School
Step Up Group
Step Up Group
8th Graders - Remember: Rising 9th Grader Night is January 22nd at RHHS. #WeAreRHMS https://goo.gl/d7dL6M
about 7 years ago, Richmond Hill Middle School
Rising 9th Grader Night at RHHS
Reminder - Beta Club Application are due Wednesday, 1/24/18. #WeAreRHMS
about 7 years ago, Richmond Hill Middle School
Bryan County Schools will be closed on Monday to celebrate Martin Luther King, Jr's legacy. Have a safe and enjoyable long weekend. See you Tuesday!
about 7 years ago, Richmond Hill Middle School
7th grade science students used a Dichotomous key to classify different types of potato chips. Thank you to all parents who donated chips for this activity. #WeAreRHMS
about 7 years ago, Richmond Hill Middle School
Dichotomous Key
Dichotomous Key
Dichotomous Key
Bryan County Schools Media and Technology Departments hosted the second annual Innovation Tech Fair today. Students demonstrated projects in robotics, digital game design, and video production. We are proud of all of our students for their amazing projects! #WeAreRHMS
about 7 years ago, Richmond Hill Middle School
Tech Fair
Tech Fair
Congratulations to Julie Wilson, December’s Worthy Wildcat. The Worthy Wildcat is given each month to a support staff member for going above and beyond.
about 7 years ago, Richmond Hill Middle School
RHMS is proud of our STEM students for their amazing projects displayed at last night's STEM night.
about 7 years ago, Richmond Hill Middle School
STEM Night
STEM Night
STEM Night
STEM Night
Thank you to everyone that came out for our Jolly Jingle Jog to support RHHS student Dylan Moore in his ongoing battle with leukemia. Dylan's father, Dennis Moore, is a teacher at RHMS. #WeAreRHMS
about 7 years ago, Richmond Hill Middle School
Jolly Jingle Jog
Come out and join us for our upcoming STEM Night, Monday, December 18 from 5:30pm until 7:00pm. We have many displays, projects, and interactive exhibits for you to investigate and discover!
about 7 years ago, Richmond Hill Middle School
Students in Ms. Feske's 6th grade ELT class researched earthquakes and strategies engineers use to make buildings earthquake resistant. Students then built a structure and tested it's strength using a shake table. #WeAreRHMS
about 7 years ago, Richmond Hill Middle School