Bryan County Schools Gifted Education
Bryan County Documents
2023-2024 Bryan County Schools Gifted Resource Manual
Reported Referral for GATE Testing Consideration
Whole Grade Acceleration Referral
Additional Parent Resources
2022-2023 Georgia Resource Manual for Gifted Education
Georgia Department of Education Website for Gifted Education
Supporting the Emotional Needs of Gifted Children

Bryan County Schools offers gifted programming for eligible students in Grades 1-12. Gifted eligibility assessment windows are open twice yearly. Parents must give permission for students to be tested for gifted eligibility and will be contacted directly by the school in the event their child is recommended for gifted testing. Staff who administer and interpret gifted assessments have specialized training to do so. Students are typically not tested for gifted eligibility more than once in a two-year period.
Bryan County Schools follows the guidelines laid out in the current Georgia Resource Manual for Gifted Education. Gifted services are provided to students directly or indirectly through any of the eight models approved by the Georgia State Department of Education. Students receive gifted services from teachers who are gifted-endorsed.
Parents of students who qualify for gifted services will receive annual notification of the model of service provided to their child. To continue receiving gifted services, students must maintain satisfactory progress in the gifted courses in which they are enrolled.
Each school has a Gifted Lead Teacher who manages the gifted program at that school and the district has a Gifted Coordinator who can be contacted at 912-851-4000. Detailed information about the Bryan County Schools Gifted Program can be found in the Gifted Resource Manual, linked below.